Carnival: Patiently Waiting on The Stage
Well, it looks like carnival this year may not be on the cards, but for many of us it's another year to save, get in shape, reflect and reminisce on the good ole' times. Who knows, until we truly settle and get hold of the pandemic, in the meantime..
Dear Carnival,
Oh how we miss you, we long for the sound of a music truck on the road! 2021 surely has told us all to sit down and wait; but we all know next year we're about to shell down the place worldwide. Our brand hopes to keep the spirit of carnival and love for the culture alive; not missing out a single detail. Never did we think we would be waiting on the stage, yet here we are.
Despite only one country holding carnival this year, as a Caribbean community let's do all we can to keep supporting the soca music releases online zoom fetes and more- we will see the road again! That I'm pretty sure of, we will come out of this. In the meantime, this brand hopes to keep the culture and spirit of carnival alive. Our products are tailored to all masqueraders, each palette offers a different look for a different style. All products are fit for any occasion.
Spice Mas, Cropover, Trinidad Carnival all being in loom- 2022 we are coming at you with force.
So until then, we will continue to showcase our culture online, repost and share are old videos on the road until its safe again. Keep safe everyone.
Yours Truly,
A faithful Masquerader
P.S: Our Dusk palette is restocking soon, so be sure to keep an eye out and subscribe to our mailing list for first hand dibs.
Thank you for supporting the brand; be sure to follow us on all social media platforms;
@SinoraBeautyCosmetics on:
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Love, Light & Beyond: