The Dusk Palette Names

Hey Beauts, 

This is our first palette, paying great homage to Trinidad & Tobago: The Home of Carnival, Pan & Calypso

This post is dedicated to our Dusk Palette, below is an outline of our 15 palette shade names and where they originated from.

First Row From Left to Right: 

Lipton: Lip/Ton : (A Brand of Tea) 

Dawn: (Caribbean Skyline colour) 

Roti: (A Quintessential Trini Meal: Filled with Chana (chickpeas), Aloo (Potato) Seasonings and filling of choice). 

Tanty: Tant/Ee: (A Trini Dialect Word meaning "Aunty"

Carib: (The Islands Local Beer) 

Second Row From Left to Right: 

Ginger Beer: (A Trini Christmas essential: Home Made Ginger Beer is often offered during Christmas time). 

Arima: Ah/Ree/Mah : A Town/ Province on the Island. 

Hyde: The rich deep shade, of the colour itself.

Melongene: Melon/Jen:  Trini word for Aubergine. 

Choka: To represent a Tomota Choka, a small side dish. 

Third Row: From Left to Right

Zess: Trini Urban Lingo- A confident person drippin' in the latest fashion/gear 

Sorrel: A Drink drink, Red in Colour.

Universal: This Matte shade can go with anything: it's simply 'universal: representing the cosmopolitan vibe carnival brings.

Chubby: Grape flavour Chubby, fizzy/sweet drink. (One of the best flavours in the range)

Dark Rum: Often had 'on the rocks' Angostura Rum is one of the Islands favourite.

 Hope this helps xoxo 

 **Each shade name is provided on the plastic inside.** 



  • I purchased the dusk pallette as gifts for Christmas & I must say I was so impressed I wanted to keep it for myself! The tones are perfect for everyday wear or a special occasion

  • I really do love the colors of the palette they are so pretty 💜💜💜

    Maya King

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